
Speech Sound Disorder

Speech sound disorders, also known as articulation disorders or phonological disorders, are common communication disorders that can affect both children and adults. 

What is a Speech Sound Disorder?

A speech sound disorder is characterized by difficulty producing sounds correctly or fluently. The errors may include substitutions of one sound for another (/t/ for /k/, saying that/cat), omission of certain sounds, or distorting sounds (lisp). These errors can make it challenging for individuals with speech sound disorders to communicate effectively and be understood by others.

Speech sound disorders can have various causes, including:

  • Developmental Delays: Some children may experience speech sounds developmental delays that lead to difficulties in articulating sounds correctly.

  • Physical Conditions: Conditions such as cleft palate, hearing loss, or neurological disorders can impact speech sound production.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to limited language input or lack of speech stimulation can contribute to speech sound disorders.

  • Genetic Factors: Some speech sound disorders may have a genetic component, making individuals more susceptible to communication difficulties.



Symptoms of Speech Sound Disorders

Recognizing the symptoms of speech sound disorders is crucial for early intervention and treatment. Common symptoms may include:

We are confident in providing the most effective Articulation therapy services to improve your child’s speech intelligibility.