
Neurogenic Communication Disorders

Adults with acquired neurogenic communication disorders have difficulties communicating and exchanging information with others due to some forms of nervous system impairment resulting from brain injuries due to stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), brain tumors, progressive neurological disease (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's dementia, ALS), car accident, acute illness, recovery from surgery, or peripheral nerve damages (Bell's Palsy). 

Neurogenic communication disorders include:


Aphasia – Aphasia or Receptive and expressive language disorders in adults are primarily speech disturbances caused by brain damage. People with aphasia have difficulty finding words to express their thoughts, labeling, formulating sentences, reading, writing, or following directions. 

Signs of receptive aphasia include difficulty following directions, answering questions, understanding what others are talking about, and reading comprehension. 




Apraxia of Speech Apraxia is a neurological disorder in which the person is physically capable of completing a task or speaking; however, that person cannot perform the activities voluntarily due to a damaged area of the brain responsible for formulating. People with Apraxia usually complain of the inability to move their tongue, produce sounds, and speak in sentences. People with Apraxia have difficulty imitating speech sounds and sometimes even imitating non-speech movements (oral Apraxia). 

Dysarthria – Dysarthria or motor speech disorder is a speech disorder caused by oral muscle weakness (such as facial paralysis, tongue, and lips). Individuals with motor speech disorder have difficulties speaking, such as clearly (slurred speech), reduced volume of voice, slow rate of speech, increased rate of speech, mumbling, sound production, abnormal intonation (rhythm) when speaking, voice hoarseness, drooling, facial drooping, nasal speech, and sounding stuffy.


Cognitive-communication impairment – Cognitive communication is a term, which concludes many language skills. These skills are more complex than just retrieving words or forming sentences. It includes comprehension or understanding of spoken language, speech, or expressive language, reading, and writing. The clients with cognitive-communication disorder secondary to any kinds of head injuries because of an accident or sports injuries demonstrate difficulties with thinking skills including perception, memory, awareness, reasoning, judgment, intellect, insight, attention, concentration, planning, naming, explaining, topic maintenance, and imagination. 


Different types of cognitive disorders are: 


  • Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 
  • Dementia/Mild Cognitive Impairment  
  • Right Hemisphere Disorder 
  • Traumatic Brain Injury 



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