

Fluency Pro Program 

Stuttering is not a speech condition with unknown causes. 

The Fluency Pro Program is based on a holistic fluency program that focuses on speech fluency based on each individual's speech pattern. 

Participants will learn how to set their mindset for success and change their points of view to achieve speech fluency and transfer the acquired fluency to all situations. 

This program helps participants achieve a natural flow of speech based on their speaking styles. Through systematic exercises and self-monitoring skills, all participants develop fluent speech.


The Fluency Pro Program has two levels: intensive and light. The light version takes longer and suits individuals who like steady progress at their own pace.

Participants work in small groups as well as individually. This program includes two phases: Treatment and Follow-up.  

The first part of the program focuses on direct therapy sessions. The participants learn fluency strategies, establish new speech in structured situations, and transfer it to everyday conversational situations. Most participants improve their speech fluency significantly during the program's first period. 

We will initially meet with you to evaluate and discuss the different stages of the program.