

Stuttering is a common speech disorder that millions of people worldwide experience. It may be caused by disruptions in the normal flow of speech, such as repetitions of sounds or words, prolonged sounds, or blocks where the individual cannot produce any sound. Although stuttering can be a source of frustration and anxiety for those who experience it, it is essential to know that there are ways to manage and overcome this challenge. Stuttering can manifest in various forms and can be triggered by different factors, including genetics, neurophysiology, and environmental influences. While Children learn new words or speech sounds may experience some typical disfluencies, which is called normal disfluency.

The following types of disfluencies happen when someone stutters:


- Part-word repetitions - "I want w-w-w-w-water."

- One-syllable word repetitions - "co-o-o-o-ome."

- Prolonged sounds - "S-s-s-s-s-s am is nice."

- Blocks or stops - "I want an (pause) apple."

Due to their speech difficulties, individuals who stutter may experience embarrassment, shame, and social isolation. 

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